Aircraft Turbines and Icing Solutuion / Turbinas de Aviões e
Por: Vítor R.
03 de Agosto de 2016

Aircraft Turbines and Icing Solutuion / Turbinas de Aviões e

Engenharia Compressor

Aircraft Turbines and Icing Solutuion / Turbinas de Aviões e a Formação de Gelo

This report presents a detail description of each component of the jet engine as the airplane has become more related to people’s life. The intake, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, propeller nozzle and afterburning system are introduced, their relevant parameters are analyzed as well. As the icing attack to the airplane, especially the icing attack to the airplane engine is serious, the airplane icing problem is discussed in this report. Both the de-icing system and anti-icing system which perform as ice protections are introduced to protect the airplane from icing. Some specific techniques are shown in the icing solution section, such as the electrical system used in turbo-propeller engine and the hot air system used in jet engine. The environment impact that the chemical method used in the ice protection is also mentioned in this report.

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