Tidal Energy - Advantages Vs Disadvantages / Vantagens Vs. D
Por: Vítor R.
05 de Agosto de 2016

Tidal Energy - Advantages Vs Disadvantages / Vantagens Vs. D

Engenharia Energia Gás


In this paper, we collected a lot of numerical datas and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of tidal energy to find out whether tidal energy is a better choice nowadays comparing with other energy sources. As the advantages we can see that tidal power has an efficiency of approximately 80%, this is much better efficiency to other renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. But on the other hand this kind of technology is still very expensive, and if comparing the initial cost to build a “Tidal Energy Plant” Vs. “Natural Gas Plant”, it is 60% more expensive than the natural gas. In the end of this paper, after have analyzed all these points we concluded that tidal power is not worth at present. Keywords: tidal energy; advantages; disadvantages; green energy

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