Foto de Stephanie C.
Por: Stephanie C.
26 de Março de 2015



To / for = Para / Por


  • For= we use it when the action will benefit somebody, or when something have is done with intention to help. We also use “for “when we are talking about goals and reason.  EX.:

I have a present for you

I will wash the dishes for you

This coffee is for her

  •     To= can be use with verbs, when something is transfer, information or object. We also use it when we are talking about travel or going a place. EX.:

I’ll give this letter to your mother

I gave the book to your sister

I gave my number to her

I’ll send an email to you

I am going to France tomorrow

I have to go to the shopping

I’ll go to bed early today - Exercicios 



Stephanie C.
Stephanie C.
São Paulo / SP
1ª hora grátis
nota média
R$ 50
por hora
Graduação: Letras - português e inglês (UNIP - Universidade Paulista)
Já investiu em você hoje ? Não existe uma idade para se aprender um novo idioma ...... existe um bom professor que te acompanhe !

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