" A bitter pill to swallow "
Por: Beth R.
31 de Março de 2016

" A bitter pill to swallow "

Inglês Conversation General English Native

There are several phrases that are used in

english by native speakers which sometimes

may cause misunderstandings in a conversati-

-on between foreigners .Most phrases sound

strange to english learners,at first ,but listen-

-ing to them in context ,they can be under -

-stood and later on ,they can be used without

too much trouble.

For example : " A bitter pill to swallow " 




The verb: to eat ,ate,eaten is immediately

learned at elementary levels. However,most

students do not learn the 3 other verbs that

are part of the process of eating. They are :


1) bite,bit,bitten




She is biting  the green apple slowly and carefully .


2) chew (-ed)


He is chewing the apple with his eyes closed !

It is delicious !


3) swallow (-ed)



Wow ! Somebody swallowed a fork ! Look at

this X-ray !


Well,in general we swallow what we choose to

eat after chewing fruit ,vegetables or any other

kind of food we enjoy eating,right ?


The phrase " a bitter pill to swallow" means the

situation  is not pleasant or easy to be accepted

at all.People disapprove what has happened  and

would prefer not to accept or swallow it !


Click on the link below.Listen to the dialogue.

The phrase " a bitter pill to swallow" is used

several times.Can you write down the exam-

ples given in this conversation?

I hope this activity is not going to be :

"a bitter pill for you to swallow "

Enjoy !






R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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