A distraction , an addiction  or an obsession ?
Por: Beth R.
08 de Abril de 2016

A distraction , an addiction or an obsession ?

Inglês Listening

Is social media a distraction ,an addiction or an obsession?

Can you answer this question at once ? 

Well,it is better read these dictionaries' definitions before

answering it,ok ? 


 .distraction can be an activity that you can do for fun

or entertainment.


.addiction can be a strong need or wish to spend as

much time as possible doing a particular activity.


.obsession is an emotional state in which someone or

something is so important to you that you are always think-

-ing about them,in a way that seems extreme to the other






 Techie habits are making a lot people behave differen-

-tly lately .It is hard to see techie people having a face-

to-face conversation,isn't it ?

There are a lot of researches which show that due to tech

-nology "We are not listening to each other.We are making

decisions based on what we already believe ...somehow we

lost that balance between talking and listening."


Celeste Headlee the host of Georgia Public Broadcasting

program "On Second Thought" has recently talked about

10 ways to have a better conversation at Ted.com .

Click on the link below to listen to her tips and then you

may comment about it at the bottom of this post ,ok ?













R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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