" A woman ahead of her time "
Foto de Beth R.
Por: Beth R.
07 de Maio de 2017

" A woman ahead of her time "

Inglês Britânico Geral

Every time we read this expression in English  "ahead of someone's time " we can be sure the person was considered to be distinguished,advanced or much more modern than most other people to be accepted or understood in her or his lifetime.




Then when you listen to Emily Dickinson's name (1830-1886) or read about this American poet ,you are going to confirm E.Dickinson was a gifted poet who "spent the wee hours of the morning lost in her writing,making what became a monumental contribution of American Literature" . She was absolutely "ahead of her time !"


E.C.Miller from bustle.com has commented: " She wrote gorgeously about everything: life and death,love and loneliness,society and isolation,the natural world and the spiritual one." Ms Miller has also included in her list of Eleven Beautiful Poetry Collections by Women Poets: The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson.It is not the first poet in her list,but it  is the 4th one .You can check all the other ten  women poets by clicking on the link below,ok ? You can also read a bit more about this gifted poet E. Dickinson clicking here https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poet/emily-dickinson




This month in 2017 ,you should not miss the writer-director Terence Davies's new film " The Quiet Passion ". Mr.Davies , famous British film maker ,turned his attention to Emily Dickinson who besides being a talented poet was also known as " a brilliant conversationalist who had a "sharp mind " and she was a lover of good company as well" .This recent biopic is also a'"sensitive portrait" of the life of this 19th -century poet .It is amazing to see how hard this "bright poet " fought to keep her ideas and poetry respected !


 By the way, have you ever read poems in English ? Do you believe that Women poets are more respected nowadays than they were in the nineteenth century ? How about  Men Poets ? Do you have a favorite one ?


 Take a look at the video below. Do you believe you would enjoy watching this biopic soon ? I do recommend "The Quiet Passion " !


Do not miss it ! Enjoy !



Beth R.
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
1ª hora grátis
nota média
R$ 100
por hora
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
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