Adjective or Adverb ?
Por: Beth R.
27 de Julho de 2015

Adjective or Adverb ?

Inglês General Grammar Reading

While my guitar gently weeps.



In this unforgettable song composed

by George Harrison :

While my guitar gently weeps there is

the adverb: gently placed before the verb

to weep(= to cry,to shed tears).

In general adverbs are placed after the verbs,

aren't they?

Frank drove carefully along the busy streets.

Mary walked slowly in the park.

The guitarist performed loudly and excitedly

in that show.


However we know there are always

exceptions to the rules.

Another example :

The adverb of the adjective good is

well.The adj. fast is also used as an adverb,

but quick you can say quickly like most adverbs

of manner which follow this rule : to add -ly

to the adjective:

slow (adj.)       slowly (adv.)    

gentle (adj.)    gently  (adv.)

clear (adj.)      clearly (adv.)

loud (adj.)       loudly ( adv.)


After reading this information we

may listen to this nice song :

While my Guitar gently Weeps

without worrying too much about

grammar. Later on we can go on

studying the differences between

adjectives and adverbs a bit more,ok ?


 Enjoy !



R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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