Anna Marie Jarvis (1864-1948)
Por: Beth R.
02 de Maio de 2016

Anna Marie Jarvis (1864-1948)

Inglês American

Anna Marie Jarvis is the american lady who is recognized to be the mother of Mother's day .Did you know that? She always wanted to keep the celebration of Mother's Day simple and meaningful,but ...


Why did she campaign for this special day ?

When was Mother's day officially recognized ?

Who was the american president that issued the confirmation of the first National Mother's day ?

Why was Ms Jarvis arrested in 1948 ?




You can find all the answers for the questions above if you click on the links above to read some information about Anna Marie Jarvis and her mother.If you click on the link below ,there is a 2m'35 video about The History of Mother's Day.

Enjoy !





R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
Aprenda Inglês
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em 3 de maio de 2016

Well, mothers deserve a celebration to their love and efforts to educate their kids!!!
This American lady had a great idea but she was misunderstood and the holiday turned out to be a commercialized day. She protested about it but she was arrested for disturbing the businessmen !!

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em 03 de Maio de 2016

I wish you a Happy Mother's Day !

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