Boiling days vs Freezing days
Por: Beth R.
09 de Janeiro de 2017

Boiling days vs Freezing days

Inglês Vocabulary

Most Brazilians are having boiling days in this summer and so January days are making lots of people in Brazil check the weather forecast very often expecting to get cooler days with some rainy days as well.How about you?  Do you often check the weather forecast before leaving home? Do you worry about the sudden weather changes in your city?


On the other hand, people in North America and Europe are having to face their coldest days in winter.


Obs: Celsius temperatures in South America and Fahrenheit temperatures in North America and Europe should be observed.


Remember that 0ºC degree is freezing and 100ºC is boiling.However, 32º F degrees is freezing and 212 º F is boiling.


Watch this video below ( it takes about 8 minutes) to have an idea what is going to happen in the winter in Europe, Asia, and North America according to Piers Corby -the man who cracked the weather.





Well, I believe most of us Brazilians prefer hot days, anyway.Don't you?

Now, take a look at this quote below. Do you agree with it  100%?

Write a few words about it at the bottom of this post, ok?


You can also click on the link below the quote to review some vocabulary related to the weather. Then you can write down some of the new words from the list and use them in your own sentences, can't you?







R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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em 18 de janeiro de 2017

I love the sun but boiling days are really desagreable but better than freezing days...

Cadastre-se ou faça o login para comentar nessa publicação.
em 19 de Janeiro de 2017

I agree with you, Teresa .It's disagreeable indeed to bear 40 degrees in our city nearly every day!
Take care .

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