Boon is not a misprint of boom !
Foto de Beth R.
Por: Beth R.
21 de Setembro de 2016

Boon is not a misprint of boom !

Inglês Intermediário Geral Avançado

While reading  English texts,we  sometimes  look at  some words that we believe ,we have already learned before but there is a different consonant or vowel in them which makes a great difference in their meanings. True or False ? 


These two words : Boom and boon  made me check their meanings at because the first one ( boom ) is much more frequent than the latter ( boon ) .


Do you agree with me ? Have you seen the word boon in any texts you have read before ?


Then , I checked and could confirm these two words had not been a misprint in the text at all .I was reading in a magazine a text named : Forever Young  by Laurence Steinberg .

Mr.Steinberg ended his interesting updated text with this last paragraph :


" If brain plasticity is maintained by staying engaged in new,demanding and cognitively stimulating activity,and if entering into the repetitive and less exciting roles of worker and spouse helps close the window of plasticity,delaying adulthood is not only OK, it can be a boon ."


Advanced readers can understand at once that boon in this context could not mean neither a period of prosperity or high market activity (Economics/business use) nor a sound of an explosion .


However,beginners and intermediate readers could get a bit confused while reading the paragraph from Mr.Steinberg's ,couldn't they ? They would probably check the word boon at their dictionaries to understand boon as  an advantage or a benift in that context.


Thus,I do believe ,it is really a very good idea to look up words in the several availabe Online dictionaries  .They are a real great tool for anyone who wants to learn foreign languages nowadays.


By the way, do you agree with J.K.Rowling's quote below ? You can write a few words about it at the end of this posts,can't you ?


Beth R.
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
1ª hora grátis
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R$ 100
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Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
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