Escalatos vs Elevators (Lifts) ...Stairway to heaven ?
Por: Beth R.
16 de Julho de 2016

Escalatos vs Elevators (Lifts) ...Stairway to heaven ?

Inglês Pronunciation English

Which is the best safest choice to take at shopping centers or high buildings : staircases,elevators /lifts or escalators ?

It all depends on the levels and floors you are going to ,doesn't it ? Many people cannot imagine themselves moving up and down shopping centers without the escalators and elevators which carry lots of people at the same time to their destinations.However everybody can also feel very uncomfortably and lost when these machines stop working out of the blue or they are out of order  or out of service !




Do you see any other cons about elevators and escalators ? Have you ever seen a funny or amusing situation while you were going up or down any escalator ? Watch this video below to think about this man's behaviour,ok ? Would you say anything to him if you were standing on the other side of that escalator ?



Do you know anybody who is afraid of taking elevators or escalators ? Have you ever checked  the meaning of : escalaphobia at any dictionary ? Click on the link below to read about this kind of fear,ok ?


Last but not least a few words about the regular traditional  stairways. Many people believe if they avoid escalators and elevators as a routine,and take stairways instead,they will get in good shape.Walking up and down flights of stairs it is a good way to burn calories and make our bodies get fitter too !Do you agree with this constant practice of exercise ?



By the way,do you remember Led Zeppelin's song : Stairway to Heaven ? Watch the video below  to listen to its composer talking about this tune and then sing it along to practise your pronunciation and learn some more new english words too,ok ?

Enjoy !




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Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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