Face to Face !
Por: Beth R.
26 de Setembro de 2016

Face to Face !

Inglês Conversation American


Whenever we have a face-to-face conversation  we cannot avoid,most of the times,embarrassing situations,can we ? Imagine then  political debaters ! They often cause a lot of controversial reactions  and they also have aggressive attacks to each other in front of their audiences just because they want to be elected  !


What are the advantages and disadvantages of a face-to-face discussion ? Do you believe most people prefer not to have a face-to-face conversation when the issues to be  talked about are too complex and subjective too ? How do you feel when you have to have a face-to-face conversation ? 




 Tonight September 26th 2016, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be face-to-face for the first Presidential debate of 2016 race.The debate will be televised at Hofstra University on Long Island in  New York.It will start at 9:00 p.m and it will end at 10:30 p.m Eastern Time (ET) in the U.S but there is a five hour time difference with the Uk and one hour behind Rio de Janeiro.


Lester Holt (56) of NBC Nightly News is going to be the debate moderator.Mr.Holt has made history by becoming the first solo African American anchor of a nightly broadcast network evening news cast.








What will Mr.Trump do and How will Ms.Clinton react ? What do they need to do to win the first debate ? How important is it to win this debate tonight ? Do you believe Mr.Trump will respect Ms.Clinton ? How about Ms Clinton ? Will she face this controversial politician respectfully or not ? Are you a bit curious to watch them debating ? Is it going to be a debate or a " battle of intellect " ? What  have reporters been talking about this debate ? What are the Americans' expectations about this " show " tonight ?




" Some are predicting tonight's debate could have the biggest audience of all time ! "


Click on the links below to read a bit more about this debate,ok ? Enjoy !









R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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em 27 de setembro de 2016

I like to have face -to- face conversations although they may be challenges or risky. Even so it is important to exchange ideas looking at someone.
Politicians are used to debating so they are not afraid of their enemies or listeners.

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