Feeling or Falling ?
Por: Beth R.
30 de Outubro de 2015

Feeling or Falling ?

Inglês Pronunciation







To Feel,felt,felt (v.)

Feelings (n.)




To Fall,fell,fallen (v.) to fall in love

Fall (n.)= Autumn













"Love is all we need"...this feeling makes

us face any kind of challenge.Love makes

people help each other and feel better any

time  a disaster or tragedy happen out of

the blue.




Everybody wants to fall in love and when it

happens people get really excited and happy.









If you click on the first and the second links

on this post you are going to listen to  two

different songs which refer to feelings .


Which one do you like best ?


Do you remember any other song in which

Love is the key word ?

Write its name on the comments at the

bottom of this post and say something

about it,please.




Sing along with the singers to improve your

pronunciation ,ok ?


Enjoy !








R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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