Free and  Freedom .
Foto de Beth R.
Por: Beth R.
06 de Novembro de 2016

Free and Freedom .



These two words Free (adj.) and Freedom ( noun) are often repeated in everybody's conversations when the subject is life expectations,aren't they ?


Most people want to be free  or have enough freedom to decide where and when to leave ,what to choose and why to change their routines. However ,depending on where people live, their freedom of speech or freedom of expression is not guaranteed at all.


Take a look at the quotes below.Which one would you like to write a few words about it at the end of this post ?








 Now you can watch this video below and pay attention to the song's lyrics .Do not forget to sing along with Freddie Mercury  and then you can comment about the singer's performance and also mention the reason why this sentence   " I want to break free " or " I've got to break free " are repeated so many times ,can't you ?


Foto de João T. João T. há 9 anos

Well ,Well Well After Donald Trump's Victory Yesterday I Guess The Extinction Of The Word Freedom From People's Conversation Is Guaranteed ,Unfortunately !!!!!!! My Favorite Quote Is In The Green Rectangle.The Song Is a Nice One And The Video Is Funny.However ,It's Difficult To Follow The Lyrics With The Words Moving All The Times.

Beth R. há 9 anos

I'm glad you've given your opinion quite honestly ! I do not believe that The Statue of Liberty will be ignored or disrespected by the American people,though.
Peace !

Beth R.
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
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Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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