Generation Gap ?
Foto de Beth R.
Por: Beth R.
28 de Novembro de 2015

Generation Gap ?

Inglês Geral

Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga : Cheek to cheek !




These two great music stars have been singing

for ages and now they have been recording nice

Pop American standards and jazz songs together .

Their fans cannot resist their charm !

Their new CD : Cheek to Cheek has already been no-

-mitaded for an EMMY for Outstanding Variety Special.



Anthony Dominick Benedetto whose stage name is Tony

Bennett was born in 1926 ( 89 years old) in the U.S.A.

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germamotta whose stage name

is Lady Gaga was born in 1986 (29 years old) in the U.S.A.



Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga look very different and they

record different kinds of songs as well,but their voices and

talent can be easily noticed when they are performing together !

Believe it or not !







Let's listen to them so that you will check if their

voices and styles match or if they don't,ok?

Click on the link below to sing along and enjoy this

cool duet singing two songs:

Anything goes and The Lady is a Tramp.  


After listening to both songs,make a comment about

them at the bottom of this post,ok ?


Which song do you like best ?


Would you like to buy their new CD : Cheek to Cheek ?


Do you remember the lyrics of this song Cheek to Cheek ?

Click on the link below to sing along with Frank Sinatra

who used to sing several songs with Tony Bennett when

he was alive.


Enjoy !





Beth R.
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
1ª hora grátis
nota média
R$ 100
por hora
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
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