Gift (n.)=present; gift,gifted (adj)= talent,revealing speci
Por: Beth R.
22 de Janeiro de 2016

Gift (n.)=present; gift,gifted (adj)= talent,revealing speci

Inglês American

Most people love to receive special gifts .



Many gifted pianists are not famous in Brazil.




Contrasting these sentences above, have no-

-ticed that the word gift has different

uses and meanings ?

 Check some more examples:


Do you think gift boxes and bags with

clothes,shoes and books in them, can

be replaced by gift cards soon ?




What would you prefer to get as a birthday

gift : A box of chocolate or a gift card ?





 In the sentences above the noun gift  is a

synonym of present,isn't it ? On the other

hand ,the word gifted in the sentences be -

-low means talented and it is an adjective. 



Gifted Hands is the title of a book and also

of an american film .It is the true story of

doctor Benjamin Carson.






Have you listened to his name before ?Would

you like to read or watch Gifted Hands?


Well ,Ben Carson nowadays is not a doctor any

more.He has already retired .He is one of the fa-

vorite candidates for the 2016 USA presidency

among the Republican nominations .



Click on the links below to watch, at first, parts

of this flick Gifted Hands which shows how hard

it was for this doctor to be respected and recogni-

-zed as having great natural abilities.Then,you can

read and watch a video about Ben Carson's success-

-ful career,ok ?

Enjoy !





R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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