Girl with the Pearl Earring
Por: Beth R.
23 de Outubro de 2016

Girl with the Pearl Earring



" Girl with the Pearl Earring"   is the subject of Dutch Master Johannes Vermeer's (1632- 1675)masterpiece .This famous artist was born in Delft,Netherlands.He was considered to be an illusion maker."Girl with the Pearl Earring " is referred to as the  "Monalisa of the North ".


What makes this painting so captivating ? Why did this Dutch-Golden-Age artist choose to paint an anonymous girl ? What do Johannes Vermeer's  "checkered floors " demonstrate in his work ? Why has the Girl with the Pearl Earring become a psychological subject ? Where is this captivating painting right now ?


If you watch the 4 m':33 video below ,you are going to answer these questions easily ,ok ?









 Click on this link below to visit the Girl with the Pearl Earring's permanent home . Enjoy !





R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
Aprenda Inglês
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em 25 de outubro de 2016

Hello,Teresa !
This picture is really special ,isn't it ?
I'm glad you've read and enjoyed it.
Peace !

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em 24 de outubro de 2016

A masterpiece!!!!

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