Going out or Staying at home ?
Por: Beth R.
20 de Agosto de 2015

Going out or Staying at home ?


 Prices are going up everywhere,aren´t they ?




Nowadays many families are changing their

ways of having fun because of inflation .

High prices charged at restaurants and bars are

making consumers choose cheaper programs.

Then it is usual to see many people organizing

parties and inviting their friends to have their meals

and drinks at home instead of going to restaurants

where they would have to spend a lot of money.






Families and friends go to supermarkets along the

week to pick and choose delicious food and drinks

so that at the weekends they may not go to restau-

-rants but still have a good time at home.



Then they choose someone's flat or house 

to get together and have a lot of fun without

spending too much money.




Big supermarkets are taking advantage of this

new tendency .Some of them have created pizza

places and salad bars where prices are much more

reasonable than the traditional restaurants

and shoppers ,after buying their goods,

may sit and have their meals before going

back home.






What´s your opinion about these choices ?


Do you believe restaurants will change their

menus and lower their prices to attract more

customers ? 


Have you ever eaten pizza in a supermarket ?


Do you see any disadvantage in this new tendency ?


R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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