How can anyone  gain confidence ,and keep it ?
Por: Beth R.
30 de Outubro de 2016

How can anyone gain confidence ,and keep it ?

Inglês Expressions

Do you believe you can boost your confidence/morale ? Where does confidence come from ? How can you get more confidence to overcome obstacles ? How can you turn those obstacles into opportunities ? If you click on this link below, you can read an interesting text about ways to boost your confidence and later you may answer these four questions easily.


Now you can watch this Teded video (4m16') to get Amy Cuddy's Three Tips to Boost Your Confidence.Why is there a reference to J.K.Rowling ,Harry Potter's writer  in tip number three ? Have you listened to the expression "pep talk"  before ? It was mentioned more than once in the video ,wasn't it ? Confirm its meaning or any other words /expressions you are not familiar with clicking on the link below.


After watching the video,you can give your opinion about it at the bottom of this post,ok ? Then you can also write a few words about the quote that ends this post,can't you ?


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Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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em 1 de novembro de 2016

I think to be confident is a matter of consciousness. People must know themselves , their limits and try to overcome their problems. Well, if you have experience it helps a lot in your work. Then you have more chances to be confident while doing anything out of your comfort zone.
The third tip "practice Failure" is important and that was what J.K. Rowling did. She didn't quit her goal , till she got the editor to publish her books.

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em 03 de Novembro de 2016

Cool !
Peace !

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