How Can You  Beat Election Stress ?
Por: Beth R.
29 de Outubro de 2016

How Can You Beat Election Stress ?



Are you  a political person ? Is election anxiety real ? Do you know anyone who prefers not to speak about politicians and election times ? How can you deal with election-induced angst and feel better over the next weeks ?


Lorenzo Cohen , director of the integrative medicine program at the University of  Texas has listed 7 tips to get calming effects while political campaigns are going on .


Take a look at this list below and choose the two best "expert-backed tips ".Then click on the link to get more information about the tips,ok ?


1- Restrict your news intake to a reasonable amount.

2- Take three deep breaths.

3- Maintain a healthy routine.

4- Reserve some mindfulness minutes. (meditation )

5-Try to have meaningful discussions about the election.

6-Know when-and how-to stop yourself.

7-Send good vibes to people of a different political party.


  P.S : The verb  "to beat " is an irregular verb. Do you remember its past tense and past participle ? How many different meanings does the verb " to beat" have ? What does the phrase " Beat it " mean ?

Click on the link below to check your  answers to these questions,ok ? 


By the way, Michael Jackson wrote and performed his song named "Beat it" in 1982.It was a great hit and many people learned its lyrics to sing along with Michael Jackson while he was singing and dancing too. Now you can also sing along this song "Beat it " watching these videos . Enjoy !







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Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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