In the Heart of the Sea.
Por: Beth R.
09 de Dezembro de 2015

In the Heart of the Sea.

Inglês American

Moby Dick , the Whale.



There is a new american production based

on Herman Meville's 1851 novel Moby Dick.




This epic film shows an expedition which be-

-gan in 1819 when twenty-one men sailed be-

-yond the known world.They travelled to face

the myth: Moby Dick, the Whale.





In the Heart of the Sea the cast,the soundtrack

and photography are really very good.However,

the flick also shows how the whalers go whale

hunting to kill several of these mammals  and

later sell their meat,bones and oil too.


Click on the link below to watch some parts of

In the Heart of the Sea,ok ?


Fortunately,nowadays there are many people try-

-ing to defend and protect the whales.It is one of

the many species in danger of extinction in our pla-

-net.Click on the link below to get more information

about the whales and their defenders,ok ?


What do you think about the Wailing Industry ?


Have you watched this new american epic:

In the Heart of the Sea yet ?Do you intend

to watch it  soon?


Have you read Herman Meville's Moby Dick ?

Why is it considered an american masterpiece ?


Did you know that whales can sing ?Click on the

link below to listen to them,ok ?

Then you can write a few comments at the bottom

of this post,can't you ? Enjoy !












R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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