Jokes or Jibes ?
Foto de Beth R.
Por: Beth R.
30 de Janeiro de 2017

Jokes or Jibes ?

Inglês Geral

What is the difference between a joke and a jibe? Why are there so many jokes and jibes about politicians? How can a joke teller keep up with so many serious issues and make them a funny tale? Do you believe anyone can be a good joke teller? Which qualities must a joke teller have? You can find Top Tips to tell jokes if you click on the link below, ok ?Which tips do you believe you should never forget while telling a joke? What would you do if people did not laugh at all after listening to one of your jokes?


Now there are some funny questions and answers below. Are they jokes or jibes? Read them carefully and then choose the funniest ones to tell your friends,ok?

Then, you can also write something about your favorite one at the bottom of this post, can't you?

Enjoy !




 Q- What's Donald Trump"s favorite nation?

A-  Discrimination.


Q-Why does Donald Trump prefer E.T to illegal immigrants?

A-Because E.T.eventually went home!


Q- What's the difference between God and Donald Trump?

A- God doesn't think he is Donald Trump!


Q-What's Trump 's favorite Pink Floyd's album?

A- The Wall.


Q-What's Trump's favorite movie?

 A- Minority Report.


Q-Donald Trump is now the president of the USA, but the real winner is Melania Trump.Do you know why?

A-Now, SHE can call herself the First Lady instead of the Third Wife!


Q-How does Donald Trump plan on deporting 12 million immigrants?

A-Juan by Juan!


Q-Somebody asked Donald Trump: "Do you know any Bible Verses? "

A-"Yes!Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day.Deport him and you don't have to feed him again !"


Q-What does Melania see in Donald Trump?

A-Ten billion dollars and high cholesterol! 





Foto de João T. João T. há 8 anos

My Favorite Joke Was The One That Referred To Pink Floyd's Famous Album "The Wall". I Think The Last Question Of This Post Can Be Considered The Most Offensive Of My Opinion It's Not A Joke, It's A Jibe Because Mrs.Trump Is The First Lady Of The U.S And Mother Of One Of His Sons.

Foto de João T. João T. há 8 anos

My Favorite Joke Was The One That Referred To Pink Floyd's Famous Album "The Wall". I Think The Last Question Of This Post Can Be Considered The Most Offensive Of My Opinion It's Not A Joke, It's A Jibe Because Mrs.Trump Is The First Lady Of The U.S And Mother Of One Of His Sons.

Beth R. há 8 anos

Well,Donald Trumps makes people tell jokes and jibes about him just because he himself keeps disrespecting and mocking a lot of people since he has been elected President of the USA!

Beth R.
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
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R$ 100
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Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
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