Making up  new words with suffixes and prefixes.
Por: Beth R.
09 de Julho de 2015

Making up new words with suffixes and prefixes.

Inglês Grammar Vocabulary British







Nowadays we can learn several new words

in a flash due to the fast

technological progress.

For instance : the prefix e-("eletronic")

was used to create words such as:

e-mail ,e-book and e-commerce.

Besides that, the prefix cyber- has also 

appeared in words like cyberspace and cybercafe.


There is also the prefix i-("internet")which appeared in

all the succeeding Apple products which got to

the market with new words such as : iPod,iWatch,iPad 

and iDevices.



However the use of several other

prefixes and suffixes in english

has always helped foreign learners

to improve their vocabulary and understand the

words in different contexts easily.


At the top of this page , there are some of the

commonest suffixes and prefixes which

appear frequently in english texts and

contexts.I have chosen just a few examples

to illustrate this issue.


 . It is important to review some grammar rules

     to avoid some silly mistakes,isn´t it?

. Misunderstandings can cause serious

  problems,can´t they ?

.Unfortunately there were several victims

  in that car crash,weren't there?


Most prefixes are not separated from

the base words  by a hyphen.

The exceptions are ex-( " former ")

and self- which are always followed

by the hyphen .

For instance :

ex-president ; ex-lover ; ex-wife

self-service ; self-made man ; self-confidence


 Well, having in mind some of the suffixes

printed above ,you can find good examples

in one of the Supertramp hits from the 70s

in their song named : The Logical Song.

This British band sings this tune

beautifully(click here) and gives

us the opportunity to learn how

to pronounce and use the long

adjectives with suffixes very well.


Let´s read its lyrics carefully and

find these adjectives.

Then we can sing along too.










R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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