Mouth / Jaw - Dropping  Scandals !
Por: Beth R.
12 de Outubro de 2016

Mouth / Jaw - Dropping Scandals !



Newspapers and magazines sell much more whenever they print on their front pages " mouth- dropping " scandals or "jaw-dropping " crimes. Do you know why ? Why do most readers cannot resist buying magazines and/or newspapers which often  select " unbelievable " stories and publish them with shocking photos and several " dirty " details  ? How do you feel when there is a new " jaw-dropping " scandal to read in your favorite magazine ? Does it happen to you the same thing that has happened to the Gennie in this video below ?



Nowadays " jaw-dropping scandals"  and " mouth-dropping reports " are spread through our computer terminals and mobile phones at once,aren't they ? Then ,the old forms of broadcasting media began to break up.Have you noticed that ? Do you still buy newspapers and magazines  at the newsagents or newsdealers ?


Roy Greenslade from has commented : " Journalists like to speculate on why fewer national newspapers are being sold today than at any time during the past 60 years." Mr.Greenslade admits : "Print can't compete with 24-hour news on TV and radio. "


Do you agree with him ? If you click on the link below,you are going to know more reasons and facts that Mr.Greenslade has mentioned about the newspaper circulation decline .Do you like his headline ; " Newspaper sales plunge over the decade."





R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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