Nobel Prizes ... R.I.P.
Por: Beth R.
29 de Setembro de 2016

Nobel Prizes ... R.I.P.


"Shimon Peres passes away at age 93."  All over the world people have got this sad headline to read on September 28th 2016.


Shimon Peres ( 1923 - 2016 ) was awarded the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize together with Yasser Arafat( 1929 - 2004 ) and Yitzhak Rabin ( 1922 - 1995 ).Were you expecting this ex-Israeli stateman's death ? Have you read any recent  news about this ninth President of Israeli who served from 2007 until his retirement in 2014 ? Did you know that Shimon Perez served twice as the Prime Minister of Israeli and twice as Interim Prime Minister ?

If you click on the link above and the one below this paragraph you are going to get more updated information about Shimon Peres,ok ?




How about these Nobel Prize Awards ? Did you know that fewer Nobel Prizes were awarded during World War I and II  and that the 2016 Nobel Prizes will be announced from 3 - 10 October ?


You can read a lot of interesting information if you click on this official website of the Nobel Prize,you can not only check all the awards which have already been awarded but you can also read about Alfred Nobel and watch interviews with some of Nobel Prize Laureates.




Last but not least , you can take a look at the list of the top ten countries with most Nobel Prize winners in the world if you click on the link below.Can you guess which three countries are at the top of this list ?





Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
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Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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