Por: Beth R.
21 de Julho de 2019


Updating Vocabulary

Inglês Todos os níveis Conversação

Parts of the body in English are immediately taught when learners are still in their elementary level, aren't they? How many words related to your body can you list which you have never forgotten? Do you believe these words are really essential to learn as soon as possible? Click on the link below to review some of the words, ok?


How about this word: " nosegay "? Have you seen it before? It was the word of the day selected by Merriam Webster Dictionary on July 15, 2019. Have you checked its meaning and examples with it? Do you believe it is easy to guess the meaning of the word "nosegay" after reading the example below :


" On arrival, the Queen was presented  with her traditional nosegay of fresh spring flowers." 

The Daily Mail, 19 April.2019  


Well, "nosegay" is a florist term so, in general, you cannot see it as often as you can see the parts of the body. Anyway, click on the links below to brush up on flower terminology, ok?



 Now take a look at these nosegays. Can you choose the prettiest one to say something about it at the bottom of this post?




 Last but not least, do you have to be a florist to make a nosegay? Well, If you click on the link below you may learn how to make a pretty nosegay and have a lot of fun picking lovely flowers to make it. Enjoy!


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Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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em 23 de julho de 2019

Nosegay is not a part of the body ! It means a small bunch of flowers.
There was a tradition that began on the 15 th century when women pinned flowers on their clothes to have good spirits near them.
I love to receive a nosegay of roses in my birthday .
I believe anyone can make beautiful nosegays if they have a nice garden to pick the flowers.

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em 01 de Agosto de 2019

Hello, Nina. I wish you may get your rose nosegay soon!
Take care.

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