Promising or Cursing ?
Por: Beth R.
28 de Março de 2017

Promising or Cursing ?

Inglês Reading Pronunciation


Whenever learners read one english word which has the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings depending on the context they are being used, they may get either confused or discouraged to go on reading and studying this foreign language.


One of these words is the irregular verb to swear,swore,sworn.Swear can be a transitive or an intransitive irregular verb which is often used in several situations with different meanings :


1. to promise (-ed ) curse (-d) or blaspheme


Click on the link below to check this information and its pronunciation too,ok ? 


Now look at these pictures below .In which pictures are the people promising (swearing )something and in which pictures we can be sure they are cursing (swearing) someone ? Do you know many people who swear a lot while driving ? How do you feel when somebody swears to do something but he always forgets about his promises ? In which situations can't you avoid swearing ? Why do most politicians swear to invest on Education but they never do that ?














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Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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em 29 de março de 2017

On Four Of This Eight Sentences, They Are Swearing. In The Other Four Sentences, They Are Cursing With Someone.
Probably, Politicians Lie To The People Saying False Promises To Get Elected By Them

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