Quitting  or Retiring ?
Por: Beth R.
21 de Agosto de 2016

Quitting or Retiring ?



Athletes and players keep showing everyone that giving up ,desisting or quitting a competition cannot be part of their projects and objectives either. Noone wants to be remembered as a quitter.In sports and life this word quitting should not be uttered or said in any circumstances at all ! Many athletes and players continue to play because of economic pressures,others for the pure love of the game  and  to give back to their teams and fan base that supported them ,but some others continue competing simply for ego reasons.




However,lots of athletes must retire at an early age at the peak of their careers for different reasons. Some young ladies and men are forced to retire because of serious injuries or due to teams' decisions to cut them out.Others are just plain tired,especially after a rough season.

By the way,do you remember Mark Spitz (swimmer),Bjorn Borg (tennis player) and Michael Jordan ( basketball player) ? How old were they when they decided to retire ? Do you believe they became successful people in their new lifestyles ? Do you think it is easy or difficult for these young talented athletes to restart a new life and choose another kind of career ? 


Click on the links below the photos to check some information about these sports celebrities,ok ? Then you can make some comments about them at the bottom of this post,can't you ? 


















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Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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em 23 de agosto de 2016

Whenever athletes win a medal they get very proud but they also know that they will not be winners forever. They must quit their athlete career at an early age in life because of their physical conditions,their age or some injuries they've got, etc.
I think it is not easy to restart but they can find other things to do related to sport or not.

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