Snipes have no connection with snipers at all !
Por: Beth R.
09 de Julho de 2016

Snipes have no connection with snipers at all !

Inglês American

Birds with long thin beaks that live mainly in wet areas (snipes) have nothing in common with shooters/killers (snipers) who hide to kill people out of the blue ! Only one consonant  " r  " makes a great dangerous difference to the meanings of these two words : snipes and snipers.








Unfortunately we do not have many oportunities to watch snipes flying in the skies or over our rivers and lakes ! On the other hand, snipers (shooters/killers ) appear many more times on our streets, screens and newspapers showing several people who have been shot by snipers in different places all over the world !

The latest news (July 8th )  from Dallas,Texas,U.S.A  showed  what happened downtown, unexpectedly , when some black citizens were protesting along the streets and the shooters ( snipers ) had several policemen as their target this time !

Watch the video below to have an idea of how people have felt about  this terrible shooting that killed at least 4 policemen and hurt some others. 



By the way, you probably still remember Clint Eastwood's 34th film: American Sniper ( a biopic of Navy Seal sniper Chris Kyle and Sienna Miller as his wife).Bradley Cooper played Kyle as " a man torn between duty,family and a seemingly unending war " .Was it the finest role of his career?  Have you watched any of his other performances that you preferred to this one ?

You may read more about this controversial flick  American Sniper clicking on the links below and watch its official trailer too,ok ? Enjoy !









Nina B. há 8 anos

The birds snipes are unusual to see but they are cute and they don't hurt anybody.
On the other hand the snipers are awful people to know about. They kill ordinary people without no feelings at all.
So I prefer to watch the birds and forget that are snipers everywhere .

Nina B. há 8 anos

The birds snipes are unusual to see but they are cute and they don't hurt anybody.
On the other hand the snipers are awful people to know about. They kill ordinary people without no feelings at all.
So I prefer to watch the birds and forget that are snipers everywhere .

Nina B. há 8 anos

The birds snipes are unusual to see but they are cute and they don't hurt anybody.
On the other hand the snipers are awful people to know about. They kill ordinary people without no feelings at all.
So I prefer to watch the birds and forget that are snipers everywhere .

Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
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