Surreal hatred ! Unimaginable in 2016 ?
Por: Beth R.
12 de Junho de 2016

Surreal hatred ! Unimaginable in 2016 ?


Latest horrible news from the U.S.A got to us on June 12th when many brazilians were celebrating love !

The deadliest mass shooting in the history of the U.S.A !!! The gunman was a 29 year old man who was homophobic and attacked the nightclub alone killing about 50 people and hurting more than 50 other people.


Unimaginable horrific act of terror and hate ? Absolutely !



Survivors and authorities go on trying to understand and explain what has happened . Click on the links below to get more information about this latest tragedy in Orlando which has always been mentioned as the entertainment place to be visited any time.




R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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