Tear (noun) / Tear (verb)
Por: Beth R.
26 de Outubro de 2015

Tear (noun) / Tear (verb)



Tear (s) (n.) = a drop of water that comes

from your eyes when you cry.

Click on the link below to  check the pronun-

-ciation and meanings,ok ?



TEAR (n.) rhymes with : dear,clear,fear,near




Which quote do you prefer:the first or the

second one ?


How do you feel when tears roll down your

face in front of strangers ?



How often do we see men shedding tears

nowadays ? Do you get embarrassed ?



By the way, there is a very nice  song

which Sarah Vaughan sings beautifully

named Little Tear .If you sing along with

her you are going   to   pronounce   tear

correctly,aren´t you?

Click on the link below to enjoy this song.




Tear ,tore, torn (verb) Click on the link

below to check meanings and pronunci-

-ation too, ok ?

The pictures below can  also illustrate

what tear means.




 Tear (v.) rhymes with : bear,pear,wear,swear






Do you tear your old bills or you keep them

in boxes or files ?


Have you ever torn any love letters  ?




What would you do if your pants tore in

the middle of the street ?



Do you like to wear torn pants ?




R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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