The Four Seasons.
Por: Beth R.
27 de Outubro de 2016

The Four Seasons.


Brazilians can hardly notice when the seasons change in our country due to the constant "summer looks " that we have all year around.


Many people do not care about the weather at all,but there are several talented composers,painters,photographers,poets, and writers who make us realize not only how beautiful the seasons are but also how important they can be in our lives.





  By the way,listening to Antonio Vivaldi 's masterpiece The Four Seasons, listeners can " feel and see "  the seasons' changes if they close their eyes and let their imagination go freely. Do you agree with me ?


"The Four Seasons are a delight to the ear" Betsy Schwarm comments in her video : "Why should you listen to Vivaldi's "Four Seasons ?".Ms.Schwarm uncovers the underlying narrative of this musical masterpiece giving us the opportunity to remember how precious his composition was.


If you watch this TedEd video (4m20') carefully ,you are going to know why The Four Seasons which was composed in 1725 is still featured in so many films and TV commercials.Do you remember any of them ? Is Antonio Vivaldi your  favorite composer ? Is there any other music master that you prefer to ?


Well,you can also find out : Where Antonio Vivaldi was born and where he was the Director of Music for a while ;How he attracted listeners to his compositions ; which string instrument he chose to focus on his music compositions and why so many girls got interested in playing violins in those years .


R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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em 1 de novembro de 2016

I am a music lover. One of my favorite composers is Vivaldi but I also like Mozart, Bach, Chopin and Beethoven. Classic music is not only relaxing but it is also beautiful!!!
This short video shows how Vivaldi composed the "Four Seasons" and why his compositions were so important and agreeable to any listener.
I didn't know that young ladies in those days chose to play violins to guarantee their living, without
a husband. Unfortunately , nowadays musicians don't make enough money to support themselves.
It is a shame !!!

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em 31 de outubro de 2016

Interesting Video To Watch! It is Good to See Someone Like Vivaldi Who Was a Simple But Talented Man Making People Pay Attention to Classic Music Up to Now.My Favorite Composer is Beethoven His Music is Amazing Indeed and He Was Deaf That Makes His Compositions Even More Fantastic.

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