The Name of God is Mercy - a best-seller ?
Por: Beth R.
12 de Janeiro de 2016

The Name of God is Mercy - a best-seller ?

Inglês Writing Reading

Jorge Mario Bergoglio ,Pope Francis ,is a

writer too !

Do you believe he can become a best-sell-

-ing author as fast as he turned out to be

the darling of most catholic people ?



His book :The Name of God is Mercy is a collec-

-tion of revealing conversations with Andrea Tor-

-nielli,a Vatican reporter and correspondent for La



Click on the link above to check any word

you are not familiar with,ok ?



The New York Times newspaper  published a

Review about the Pope's book. If you want to

read it, just click on the link below.



Pope Francis has always been an avid reader .

Some people say he has an easy conversational

style while writing about his religious beliefs and

 if anyone asks  him   about  controversial  issues

such as : homosexuality,hypocrisy, pride ,politics

or any other embarrassing question ,he repeats his

much quoted remark :"Who am I to judge ?".Thus

this charismatic pope is most critical of people ea-

-ger to cast stones.Have you noticed that ?




Do you know anyone who does not admire

Pope Francis ?



Are you interested in reading The name of God

is Mercy ? Why ?


Do you know in how many languages has this new

book been published yet ?




If you had the chance of asking Pope Francis only

one question, would you start it with : Why,What,

When,Where or How ?  


Write your question at the bottom of this post and

make some comments about Pope Francis,ok ?






R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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