The show must go on !
Por: Beth R.
29 de Fevereiro de 2016

The show must go on !

Inglês British English

Many people who are not singers or artists often

repeat this sentence :



Do you know why ? It is a well-known phrase in

showbusiness,meaning that regardeless of what

happens,the show must still be put on for the wait-

-ing patrons,otherwise they will have the right to

get their money back !




Then ordinary people also repeat this english phra-

-se to express encouragement and wish not to give

anything up despite any failures or difficult beginn -

-ings that may happen in people's attempts to be

successful in their businesses or careers.








By the way, the British rock band Queen recorded

in 1991 their album Innuendo in which the song :

The Show Must Go On became a great hit.

The song was composed by Brian May and Freddie

Mercury could recorded it six weeks before dying !  




Click on the link below to watch The Show

Must Go On with the Queens .Check the ly -

-rics and sing along too to improve your en-


Enjoy !






R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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