"Those songs that get stuck in your head !"
Por: Beth R.
12 de Dezembro de 2016

"Those songs that get stuck in your head !"

Inglês Reading

Is there any song you have never forgotten  in your life ? How can composers and musicians attract so many different listeners to pay attention to their songs and music ? Why are there so many earworms that get stuck in your head for such a long time? Which song you've listened so many times that you cannot listen to it anymore ? 


Well, Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis has created this video (4m46') for TedEd named :

" Earworms :Those songs that get stuck in your head ".

Watch it carefully and then you are going to answer the questions above easily,ok ? 









How about reading a report from BBC about this same issue ? Its title is : " Earworms : Why catchy tunes get trapped in your head ? " Click on the link below and then you can comment about catchy songs or earworms that you could never get rid of,can't you ?









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Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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em 14 de dezembro de 2016

I Liked To Know How And Why Some Songs And Music Stay In Our Minds For Ages.The Video And Report Explained Very Well This Psychological Phenomenon And I Have To Admit That The Song Let It Go From Frozen Is The Earworm That Many People Can Not Forget.

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