To warn is different from to advise,isn't it ?
Foto de Beth R.
Por: Beth R.
15 de Março de 2016

To warn is different from to advise,isn't it ?


These two verbs are not synonyms.Some people

cannot see the differences clearly but after read -

-ing the information below,the ideas will be quite

clear.Whenever the verb to warn is used it makes

people aware of some impending danger and then

people must be careful to avoid dangerous events.

Look at the warnings below,ok ?






The verb to advise means to recommend,

to suggest,to offer an opinion or to counsel

someone.Doctors and parents often advise

many people what they should do but their

pieces of advice ,most of the times,are igno-

-red !








P.S. The noun advice is an uncountable word so it

has no plural form.You have to say then :  3 pieces

of advice, several pieces of advice  or  simply some

advice.The spelling of the verb is with " s " advise ,

but the noun is spelled with "c" advice.  Have you

noticed that ?




Beth R.
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
1ª hora grátis
nota média
R$ 100
por hora
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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