Usain Bolt is not a boat,is he ?
Por: Beth R.
01 de Agosto de 2016

Usain Bolt is not a boat,is he ?

Inglês Travel


Of course not ! Usain Bolt is the Jamaican sprinter who is well known  all over the world. Mr.Bolt will be running again in Rio de Janeiro at the Olympic Games and all his fans are expecting to watch him once again.He is very popular in Brazil and it is not the first time he visits Rio De Janeiro so many brazilians can pronounce his name properly.If you cannot, just watch the video below to repeat it correctly,ok ?




Usain Bolt has special body language and charisma too.His fans really enjoy his presence anytime he competes and the moment he uses his arms to picture a bolt ( a lightning bolt ) which represents him very well since he can move and run as fast as a lightning bolt,can't he ?






 Click on the links below to know more about this winner,ok ? There is a short video to watch in this first link about Usain Bolt. Don't miss it !




The word boat ( which sounds almost the same as this athlete's last name with its different spelling ) is one of the means of transporation that people who live near rivers or oceans often take to reach their destinations.Many tourists also enjoy taking boats instead of buses or planes when they are visiting different places or islands. Boats are usually smaller than ships, and they are moved by means of sails,oars or motor.





Do you enjoy travelling by boat ? Look at the three types of boat below. Which boat would you prefer to buy tickets to travel with your family or friends in the summer for two weeks ?


Click on the link below to check other types of boats or ships,ok ?









R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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em 2 de agosto de 2016

Usain Bolt is one of the fastest runners in the world. He had the record in 3 different places.
On the other hand, boats are a kind of transportation that people use to have fun , to work with and to transport them to other place.
The boat I would choose to travel for 2 weeks with my family is the first one. It looks comfortable and fast.

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em 02 de Agosto de 2016

Hello Nina..lightning bolts and motor boats may move fast indeed ! Thanks for commenting.

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