Which " generation "do you belong to ?
Por: Beth R.
03 de Julho de 2017

Which " generation "do you belong to ?

Inglês Business English Lessons American Expressions

This issue "Generations and Social Media" is often a cool topic to talk about, isn't it? There are several stereotypes connected with the internet users that many people criticize without getting to a consensus at all.However, The American motivational business speaker Karen Mccullough on her "Lessons from the Road" has clearly divided people who use Social Media into four different groups.Which group do you belong to?How do you feel belonging to this group? Do you believe there are other kinds of groups that she has not mentioned?


1)Traditionalists  2)Baby Boomers  3)Gene X  4)Gene Y




Well, you can watch her video that takes 4m25' and decide which group you fit in.You can also write down some of the advice she gives to the different generations and when the video ends, you can not only check your notes to talk about them but you can also write your opinion about Ms.Mccullough's generation groups at the bottom of this post, ok?



By the way, do you remember the expression " generation gap "?Click on the link below to confirm its meaning and you can also learn more expressions related to the word  "generation".






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Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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em 4 de julho de 2017

I belong to the Traditional generation. I belong to the Facebook and I check it more than I post.
I feel well belonging to this group because I can watch the news from my friends and I can talk with them if I want.
There are other groups that she didn't mention. The Millennium generation is the young people that were born after the year 2000.

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