Why shouldn't  we  Look down on Lockdowns ?
Por: Beth R.
02 de Abril de 2021

Why shouldn't we Look down on Lockdowns ?

Contrasting Phrasal Verb and Noun in the pandemic context.

Inglês Conversação Avançado Tradução Geral

Unfortunately,more than one third of the planet's population  is under some force of restriction due to the sharp rise in Covid-19 fatalities. Since 2020 Governments have been trying to tackle and fight the quick spread of Covid-19 so everybody has been facing extreme challenges such as :


.to wear masks everywhere 


.to accept and practise social isolation


.to  live under complete lockdowns


However,several countries cannot come to a consensus when they discuss and propose lockdown measures.According to many researches,lockdowns may deter the Coronavirus but they can also cause not only a lot of economical problems but also physical and emotional harm in several societies and communities.


People who can't live or survive without their businesses tend to look down on lockdowns,don't they ? Well,this is such a complex issue,isn't it ? Are you for or against partial or total"lockdowns" ?


By the way,do you think this phrasal verb "look down on" and the noun "lockdown" can cause a certain confusion if you read the sentence from above too fast and if you don't pay attention to their spellings ? Do you know any other synonyms for this phrasal verb and noun ? Click on the links below to check other alternatives for them. 






If you are interested in getting more information about Lockdowns and other measures that are being used around the world since the beginning of the Coronavirus Pandemic,click on the links below,ok ?

Stay safe !






R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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