Winners x Losers
Por: Beth R.
04 de Setembro de 2015

Winners x Losers

Inglês Reading



" The Winner Takes it All "


This great song was recorded by Abba (1972-1982)

the famous sweedish  band in the 80s.


It was also part of the famous musical Mamma Mia

which was a real success on Broadway shows and

also at the cinemas all around the world .




Reading The Winner Takes It All's  lyrics ,

you've  probably understood ,at once, that

the winner and the loser are not the athle-

-tes of any usual sports played in stadiums

or gymnasiums ,haven't you ? It is quite clear

one of the lovers (the loser) has a broken heart

just because her partner (the winner) has got a

new lover and has left her alone,right ?



Well, many  people go through this kind of

"game" several times along their lives but

they don't feel like losers at all. They "play"

it again and again till they  get a "happy end-




Abba's song is not the only song which pictures

the end of a love relationship,is it ?


How many love songs can you remember in which

the expression broken heart is used in their lyrics ?




Do you remember Elton John's famous hit :

Don't go Breaking my Heart ?

Listen to it again and sing along,ok ?  Enjoy !




Last but not least there is Adele's song :

Someone Like You which is extremely

beautiful and it is also about an ex-lover

she considers unforgettable.Listen to her

and sing along too.

R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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