With your ears you can...
Por: Beth R.
06 de Agosto de 2015

With your ears you can...


What can you do with you ears ?

to hear and to listen to different sounds.




Well , our ears are always getting a lot of

noise into them.We can hear (v.heard,heard)

all kinds of noises everyday .




Depending where you are there is so much noise

pollution that some people need to protect their

ears with their hands to stand the loud sounds

which invade their ears all the time.







On the other hand,lots of people nowadays need

to get hearing aids to perceive the sounds and

noises around them .Sound pollution can cause

several serious problems to our ears.



Unfortunately,anyone who lives in big cities

hears all kinds of sounds along the days. It´s

inevitable,isn´t it ?!




The irregular verb to hear,heard heard (to per-

ceive by the ear )is not used in the same context

of the regular verb to listen,listened,listened which

 is often followed by the preposition : to.




When you listen to something ,you make an

effort to hear something,you pay attention to

what people are saying ,you listen to your fa-

-vorite songs and it is important to listen to your

teachers' explanations too.




Remember that : 





By the way,The Beatles recorded this love song:

Do you want to know a secret  and in its lyrics

they used the two verbs  : hear and listen in

a very nice context. Let´s sing along and enjoy

this lovely song,ok ?



   Take care !              

R$ 100 / h
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
Beth R.
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1ª hora grátis
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
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