" You are fired ! "
Foto de Beth R.
Por: Beth R.
29 de Janeiro de 2017

" You are fired ! "

Inglês Geral

Nowadays with so many people who are jobless or unemployed, most people would prefer to listen to the sentence:"You are hired " instead of listening to this  famous English" catchphrase": "You are fired !" Don't you think so? 






"You are fired !" that everyone keeps repeating so frequently, in any situation or American jokes lately, has made people search for the reason why and when this phrase has become so popular and who has used it so emphatically for such a long time in an American reality show.




The Apprentice, the American reality show (2004)transformed Donald Trump from a New York city tabloid figure into a"red state" TV star.


http://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/red-state .


In that show, that you can watch a part of it in the video below, Donald Trump would assess potential employees then dismiss failed candidates with the catchphrase " You are fired! "


If you click on the link below there is an interesting report from BBC which explains "How Trump became a TV star before the Apprentice".It is amazing to know that Donald Trump " has had a long history on the "small screen" " and he had also got many different cameos along his 70 years of life!Did you know about that ? You can give your opinion about these facts at the bottom of this post,can't you ?









Beth R.
Beth R.
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
1ª hora grátis
nota média
R$ 100
por hora
Graduação: Letras Português e Inglês e Respectivas Literaturas (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
Inglês - Desenvoltura e aperfeiçoamento
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