You see what you want !
Por: Beth R.
29 de Outubro de 2015

You see what you want !

Inglês Listening

Reality or Imagination ?


When people look at photos,scenes

and some situations they can imagine

or see a lot of things that, sometimes ,

only their eyes can see.



Their interpretations and reactions can

be very different while observing some

photos. Some details may not be noticed

if people just glance at some pics!



What follows up ,after their observations,

may cause unexpected reactions and sur-

-prises too.



Many stories can be told about the

pictures and listeners may believe

them or not !




Take a look at these photos which

were selected in here to talk  about

them or write stories about these situ-

ations , just to practice your speaking

or listening skills,ok ?




You can also ask your friends' opinions about

the pictures to check if they have seen every-

-thing you have also noticed in them.

You will probably be very surpised to know 

they have not seen what you have ! Enjoy !













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