Three funny halloween sayings
Por: Lílian G.
11 de Novembro de 2016

Three funny halloween sayings

Inglês English

Today the post is going to be 100% english for those of you who might miss it once in a while.

What do you mean by "saying" teacher?

Saying - a commonly repeated statement.

Let's check them out!

  1. I "witch" you a happy halloween.


Be careful with what you might get in return, huh?

2. Trick or treat - Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat.

I'd rather give the kid the candy. (Guilty pleasure assumed, can't stop laughing. )


3. Remember the "ghoul" times!

Is it possible to forget?


Ghoula legendary evil being held to rob graves and feed on corpses.

Nighty-night ;)

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