Three idioms you can use in your everyday life!
Foto de Lílian G.
Por: Lílian G.
11 de Novembro de 2016

Three idioms you can use in your everyday life!



In this video I'll talk about three common idioms you can use in your everyday life.

C'mon let's watch it ?

  1. Food for thought - Algo a se pensar/refletir.

Ex: This situation gave us much food for thought.

(Essa situação nos trouxe algo para reflexão/pensarmos)

2. Ring a bell - Fazer lembrar de algo/ soar familiar.

Ex. This sound rings a bell, but I can't remember where I heard it.

(Esse som me soa familiar, mas não consigo lembrar onde o escutei.

3. Spill the beans - "Abrir o bico"/revelar um segredo.

Ex. If he spills the beans, he'll surely get caught.

(Se ele abrir o bico, com certeza será pego)

What about you guys?

Have you heard these idioms before? Do you use them on a daily basis?

Bye-bye ;)

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