How to write an e-mail
Por: Marilia M.
26 de Março de 2018

How to write an e-mail

An English e-mail

Inglês Conversação Básico Gramática Avançado Intermediário Ensino Médio Ensino Fundamental Vestibular Geral Curso superior Profissional Cultura Reading 3ª Idade Grammar Negócios Interpretação De Texto Vip Comprehension Todos os níveis Basic Correção de textos em Inglês Correção Textual English Teacher Intermediate

Solving problems


Situation 1: You bought a new laptop in a traditional store, and, because the name of the store, you accepted pay a little more expensive by this product.

When you opened the box, you noted something wrong: the “enter” key was missing, so, you decide return to the store and explain the situation to change the laptop.

Complete the dialogue with a logical sentence. Don’t forget about your objective: change the laptop.


Seller: May I help you, Sir?



Seller: Ohm, this is awful. Can I see the laptop?



Seller: This looks like perfect to me, Sir.



Seller: I will call the manager

A few minutes later…

Manager: Ok, Sir. What is the problem with your laptop?



Manager: Yes, yes. I already know about the enter key, but this is normal in this model of laptop.



Manager: This is a new model that doesn’t need an enter key, all the commands are given by the power of the mind.



Manager: Didn’t you note you paid more expensive by this model? So, it is because this new technology.



Manager: Sorry, Sir. I can’t do anything about this.




Situation 2: Now, the situation is different. You work in a company and are the responsible to receive customers’ e-mails and send an answer.

One day, you receive this e-mail:


Good morning,


I am very dissatisfied with this company. I contracted a service with you and, according your consultant, I should pay 50% of the service in advance. I did a bank deposit and scheduled the service.

At the scheduled day, your consultant sent me a message saying there was a problem and the service wouldn’t happen. Ok, I understood and we schedule the date again.

At the second date, the same consultant sent me a message with the same situation: there was a problem and it isn’t possible to do the service today. Then, I solved ask my money back, because this is ridiculous.

The consultant gave me this e-mail address and I want now a solution about this situation or I will go to the police.


I hope to hear from you soon,


Jack Smith



  • What would you answer in this situation?



 How to write an e-mail in English


1-      First, you have to choose a greeting. Your options are:


-Dear Mr./ Ms./ Mrs. And the name of the person.

- To whom it may concern.


2-      Explain what the objective of your e-mail is. Start with one of this sentences:


-          I am writing because…

-          I am writing regarding the meeting…

-          As agreed, please find attached the information about…


3-      Finish your e-mail. Choose the sentence according the formality of the reader and the situation. The options are:


-          Let me know about…

-          If you have any questions, please, don’t hesitate to contact me.

-          Please, let me know if you need any extra information.


4-      Say goodbye using one of these phrases.


-          Thank you.

-          Thank you for your patience and cooperation/ attention.

-          Best regards (very formal).

-          With regards (used and United Kingdom. It is a cold expression).

-          Sincerely (this is a safe choice when you don’t know the level the formality).



R$ 40 / h
Marilia M.
Santo André / SP
Marilia M.
5,0 (1 avaliação)
Horas de aulas particulares ministradas 1 hora de aula
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1ª hora grátis
Graduação: Letras- Português/Inglês e suas respectivas Literaturas (Fundação Santo André)
Mais de 15 anos de experiência lecionando aulas de Gramática, Redação, Literatura e Interpretação de Texto.
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