Present Simple- Essential rules (affirmative)
Por: Marilia M.
29 de Maio de 2018

Present Simple- Essential rules (affirmative)

Inglês Conversação Básico Gramática Intermediário Ensino Médio Vestibular Adolescentes Geral Profissional Grammar Concurso Comprehension Basic Todos os níveis Vip English Teacher Intermediate

The Present Simple

When I use

I use the present simple to express something is happening now or that an action happens repeatedly.

All the verbs obey this structure, except the verb to be.


The rules:

  • With I, you, we, they: we use the verb at the base form.

Example: They work here for three years.


  • With he, she, it (third person of the singular): we add “s” at the verb.

Example: He works here for three years.



Verbs ended in “s, ss, sh, ch, x, o”, we add ES.

Verbs ended in “y” preceded by a consonant, we remove the “y” and add IES

Verbs ended in “y” preceded by a vowel, we follow the general rule

She finishes the lesson.


He goes to the school.


It messes the house.

She cries a lot


He tries to be a good son.

He says he is a good student.


She plays volley.

We cannot join three consonants.

Again, we cannot join three consonants.

Now, we don’t join three consonants.

R$ 40 / h
Marilia M.
Santo André / SP
Marilia M.
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Graduação: Letras- Português/Inglês e suas respectivas Literaturas (Fundação Santo André)
Mais de 15 anos de experiência lecionando aulas de Gramática, Redação, Literatura e Interpretação de Texto.
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