Vícios de linguagem

em 09 de Janeiro de 2020
WhatsApp and the incredible end of the privacy
When the WhatsApp app was created, in 2009, it looked like an awesome new, since the app gathered the functions of SMS (short-message service) and Skype, with its image and sound calls, enabling international messages too. It was an astonish invention. But there is a problem with the app creators didn’t counting: the users of the WhatsApp.
Today, it is almost impossible find someone who doesn’t use this resource in his or her daily routine. Sending audios and texts makes part of everyone’s day, however the people can’t analyze the sort of subject that can treated online and all kind of message is sent, from the dinner’s dish to a wedding proposal. Everything can be solved using one or two small texts.
Worse than this, we have the audios message, which gives the idea the people don’t know write anymore. If you are in a public place, it is very embarrassing listen this, but normally the person who sent the audio message is the same person who requires an immediate answer.
Another problem is the possibility of set up a group. One beautiful day you wake up and see you are in an unwelcome group and receiving sixty messages and photos by minute. Your privacy to choose if you want (or not) get in on this doesn’t exist and if you leave the group, frequently the other participants say you are unfriendly.
Depending on the group, the language is an indecipherable mystery. Draws, emoticons, slangs and abbreviations are the rule to a modern writing. If you don’t know the last slang, you are out and it is very common the reader have to translate the word to his own language.
Even the situations showed here, this app is a huge success, like neither Facebook was. The WhatsApp functions and practicality give us the illusion that everything is possible, except the common sense and education of the people.