Word Cup Vocabulary
Por: Erika A.
27 de Junho de 2018

Word Cup Vocabulary

Inglês Geral


 The WorldCup is one of those events that everybody loves. So, in honor of this magnificent event I want to go over some soccer terms in English.

First let’s go over the basics.

Player Positions

Goalkeeper (Keeper for short)/Goaltender/Goalie = Goleiro 

Defender – Zagueiro 

Midfielder – Meio-campo 

Forward/Striker – Atacante 


On the field terminology

The national team – A seleção

The ground/field/pitch/field of play – Campo de futebol

Kick off – Chute inicial

Set piece – Jogada ensaiada

Tie (noun) – Empate

Goal – Gol

Foul – Falta

Referee – Árbitro

Linesman – Juiz de linha

Penalty shot/penalty kick – Pênalti


Off the field terminology

World Cup – Mundial

Stadium – Estádio

The score – Placar

Match/game – Partida

Manager/coach – Técnico

Fan/supporter – Torcedor


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